Output Introduction:
Grade 11-Vygotsky’s groups are tasked by their Empowerment Technologies teacher Mrs. Judith Buenaventura to look for problems in their community in the education, health, and economic justice aspects. After that, the groups were told to make a concept paper containing the introduction, purpose, description, support, contact information, and sources of their plan. And lastly, they are told to use their ICT skills to create a video presentation, teaser, infographics, or blog in order to emphasize their point and encourage people to support their cause.
Below is Group 1's campaign chosen to be included in this particular section of this website titled: STAY NEGATIVE, BE POSITIVE: Maintaining the healthy immune system of our Senior Citizens.
Group Leader:
Perono, Chanice
Group Members:
Bacol, Jay
Deborja, Johnlei
Rabanal, Mary Grace
Sibonga, John Angelo
Valencia, John LUiz
Mendoza, Julia
Senior citizens assume an extremely huge part in the social texture of our general public. The country and society need their direction for a key and more grounded future. They have a huge expanse of involvement. They can effectively take part in organization however by implication remarking on government strategies and propose amendatory measures.
With improved medical services and more long periods of usefulness, more established residents are building up their verifiable jobs as pioneers and as connections with our patrimony and feeling of direction as people and as a nation.
We are in the middle of the Covid-19 and the main target of this virus is our lungs and this is one of the weaknesses of the body of a senior citizen. Also our senior citizens are the main target of the virus, in that case most of them are staying only in their house. They can't avoid feeling boredom. We young people, we have many ways for us not to feel bored. There is social media and there are different kinds of apps for us. But our senior citizens who have grown old without knowledge of technology today may also have neglected their mental health.
In this project we can help our senior citizens to maintain their immune system healthy. Not just in physical health but also in the mental health of our seniors.
As we become more seasoned, our immune system may not function well. There are changes in our immune system especially when we are rich being senior, like our immune system turns out to be slower to react this may cause more complications. Also our body ends up being all the more delayed to respond.
Therefore, in order to prevent or maintain a healthy immune system, the seminar will help them. We will invite doctors and psychologists so that they can take care of not only their physical body but also their mental health.
We are looking forward to your support by sending this to your lolos and lolas. Also your presence is also needed in the seminar so that you also know what to do to maintain your grandparents’ healthy immune system.
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