Group 3
Updated: Jul 5, 2021
Output Introduction:
Grade 11-Vygotsky’s groups are tasked by their teacher in Physical Science, Mrs. Daisy Foronda, as well as their teachers in Pagbasa at Pagsusuri, Mrs. Cristina Bisquera, and Introduction to Philosophy, Mrs. Cherrie Niño to create a video where they make a simple cleaning solution with only the use of ingredients found in their homes.
They were also assigned to formulate a procedural text containing the proper format (list of ingredients, measurements, and steps) in order to cater the requirement attested by their Pagbasa at Pagsusuri teacher.
Then, they were assigned to make a label containing the elements found in the ingredients, mode of action, purpose, and application. In the video, they also asked the groups to include in their videos the benefits of the product to the environment and the people who use them.
Below is Group 3’s output apart from the one chosen to be included in this particular section of this website.